Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Camo & Jaunkies

This is beyond late but I still wanted to share these photos. The following images are from a relaxing weekend Jonathan & I spent at the farm back in October. He spent his weekend in camo and I spent mine in jaunkies, aka pajamas. My whole family calls pajamas, jaunkies...don't ask.

*nothin' betta' than a hammock

*hammock reading

*vampires and a cell phone out of service

*I like to just call this "breathtaking"

*maroon grass

*from one angle it looked maroon, from another it glistened

*guessing these are brown eyed susans, not really sure

*if these walls could talk

*I've fallen and I can't get up

*a view from below

*sun-bathing susans

*starlight art
